Calvary Baptist Church
1724 West Main St., Lexington, SC

Pastor Steve Cummins
Accepting the unanimous call of the church, Pastor Steve and wife Lisa Cummins have been full time at Calvary Baptist Church in Lexington, SC since January of 2010. After graduating from the Massillon Baptist College in Massillon, Ohio in 1991, Pastor and Lisa made a missions survey trip to Russia with Dr. Ed. and Guyla Nelson. Following the leading of the Holy Spirit, they returned to the country of Belarus in 1994, after completing deputation. During their missionary service of 11 years, they started the Light of Hope Baptist Church in Minsk, Belarus.
Now it is their joy to see folks here in Lexington come to a saving knowledge of Christ, to be discipled, and to lead lives that please our Savior. With our Calvary Baptist Church family, we promote and support 44 overseas and home missionaries using the Faith Promise Plan of Missions Giving. To God be the Glory, great things he is doing!
Pastor Steve and Lisa have three grown children and seven grandchildren. Truly the Lord has blessed them with the sincere desires of their hearts to continue a Godly legacy of faithfulness unto the Lord.